@kezzism presents


The node.js Silent Disco

Perform anywhere without any noise complaints

Short for stray rave, Strayve lets you play music for a crowd without having to lug around speakers or rent expensive wireless headphones; the power comes from within the audience's pockets!

All the cool cats these days have smartphones, Strave lets them tune in to your music over Wi-Fi; doesn't waste their mobile data while they're dancing.



strayve {url to shoutcast server}

Setup and usage instructions:

Heads up! This software is deprecated and is no longer being actively maintained. Due to the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities it is no longer feasible to run, check out the latest github readme for more info.


Currently Strayve relies on a Shoutcast or Icecast server, to set yours up on MacOS using brew enter:

brew install icecast
icecast -c ~/.icecast.xml


Use a program like the freely available Broadcast Using This Tool to get your audio and metadata streaming to the server:


if you have Node.js aready instaled, use npm to install strave.io
Then once it's installed globally, start it up!

npm i -g strayve.io
strayve https://gensokyoradio.net/

Roadmap and Wrap up:

Check out our Github page for more granular listings of planned features and bugs.

Currently Strayve has:

  • Only been tested on MacOS High Sierra while it should hypothetically work on Windows and Linux
  • A lot of unnessicary dependencies that were used during development and will be trimmed soon
  • No real input interactivity or input validation, though we are working on getting inquirer to work

Current features we are working on implementing into our first public release:

  • client-server playback sync difficult but not impossible.
  • Requests chat Strayve is built on top of socket.io, audience communication features imminant
  • Continuous Intergration and Unit testing to make this app truly stable
  • User configuration It's your gig, you should have your album art and titles of choice
  • Captive Portal intergration Strayve works well without the internet, for LAN only parties - redirect all traffic to Strayve.